Vasectomy Recovery

open ended vasectomy
Managing pain during
vasectomy recovery
After your procedure you may notice a small scar on your scrotum, this will lessen over time as your recover from your vasectomy. Any pain or discomfort you experience during your vasectomy recovery can be treated with Paracetamol during the first week and then Paracetamol or Ibuprofen (Nurofen) after that and an appropriately placed cold pack. We send all our patients home with an after care package that includes a breakdown of what to expect from their body following the procedure and how to manage it. We have an aftercare support line that operates from Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm in the event of anything unexpected or concerning. You can speak to a nurse directly by calling 1300 888 022.
Returning to work after your vasectomy

Depending on the kind of work that you do, you should be able to return to work the day after your procedure. This is the case for people who predominantly work behind a desk or counter.

However, if your role involves any kind of heavy lifting, reaching, stretching, or other physical exertion you may want to request to be put on light duties for your first week back at work. If this is not possible, you will need to take the week off work (we can provide medical certificates upon request) to recover properly before you return.

male vasectomy procedure
vasectomy recovery
Physical activity after your vasectomy
Sex after your vasectomy.
When is it safe to have sex after a vasectomy.

You’ll need to abstain from sex for the first week after your procedure while you recover. Once you’re physically able to have sex again you’ll need to use another form of protection, such as condoms, until your semen is confirmed to be clear of all sperm.

Once you’ve recovered and had your sperm tested you’ll be able to have sex without contraception. For the first 3 months after your procedure, it’s crucial that you use contraception during sex. Until you have your semen test and we ensure that no sperm is present, it’s still possible for you to get someone pregnant.

It’s also important to remember that your vasectomy won’t protect you from STIs. So always use barrier protection, such as condoms, in situations where there might be a risk of STIs. Your vasectomy will not impact your sexual performance or ability to ejaculate.

In fact, many men who have had vasectomies report enjoying more frequent and satisfying sex since they’re no longer concerned about pregnancy; so enjoy your stress free sex!

sex after vasectomy
Book Your Vasectomy With Australia's Largest Vasectomy Provider
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